kara evans


July 2020 Recap | My Life Mondays

A look at the July 2020 My Life Mondays monthly blog recap with Chicagoland wedding photographer and business mentor Kara Evans Photographer.

August 3, 2020

Hey, I’m Kara!
Hey, I’m Kara! A wedding and family photographer based in Kankakee, Illinois! Whether I’m photographing your wedding day or everyday milestones and memories as a family, this job is my joy.

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Happy August – it’s crazy that this month really wraps up summer! I feel like time has been so strange these last 5 months, so it’s honestly hard to believe we’re cruising through the latter half of the year now. Anyhow, you know the drill – it’s time to recap the last month of life!

The month of July started out HOT (I love summer so I just love warm weather!) and rolled right into the holiday weekend. We enjoyed a relaxing pool day in the summer heat. My favorite kind of summer day! After the holiday weekend, it was back to the regular routine of morning workouts and walks with the pups, sessions, and more.

The second weekend of the month brought Kyle’s brother to visit for a few days and a first birthday celebration for our nephew, Hudson. Man, time flies just being an auntie so I can’t imagine what the parents of our nieces and nephews feel like!

By the middle of the month, we were knee-deep in-home projects (and engagement sessions in the biz!)… The usual around here! We’ve slowly been making small updates throughout the house and yard and are really starting to get to ENJOY the labor of love and completed projects. It’s the best thing! This past month we worked on updating our deck before it’s repainted, added a couple of ceiling fans and new light fixtures, put together a cute bar cart for wine and whiskey, and added a planter box around the peach tree in our backyard.

As the month started to wind down, it was a good day photographing Kelsey and Justin’s intimate wedding day. My first wedding in exactly 6 months!

Also on the business side of things, I loved working through brand inclusivity coaching with my friend Crystal throughout the month of July. I cannot tell you how open, honest, and amazing she is… I trusted her to guide me throughout this process, and I love her heart in this small business (and life) space! She’s reminding me why I do what I do and to always tune into the why and how I document love. All are welcome here and Crystal helped me reignite that passion and start walking on a fulfilling journey of more love for people!

At the end of the month, we lost our sweet family dog, Lulu, to lymphoma. It never gets easier outliving our furry family members (our “sissy” as we called her) and mom said it best – Lulu was a smart, sweet girl and taught her puppy Ruby everything she knows. Her battle with lymphoma lasted a couple months. She made our lives better. We miss her so much!

In the last few days of July, we had our annual anniversary photo session with our friend, Kate. It was a blast as usual from photos at the brewery Kyle works at to photos at the Kankakee River. And then I got to spend an unexpected day with my sister and niece – of course, there was ice cream, too! It was the perfect end to the month.

Here’s to the month of August and a little more SUMMERTIME!

A look at the July 2020 My Life Mondays monthly blog recap with Chicagoland wedding photographer and business mentor Kara Evans Photographer.P.S. – Wanna see more behind the scenes and personal life updates? Click here!

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Chicagoland wedding & family photographer based in Kankakee, Illinois
