kara evans


Five Blog Post Ideas for Photographers & Creatives

Five Blog Post Ideas for Photographers and Creatives by Kara Evans Photographer - Chicagoland wedding photographer and virtual mentor for creatives.

February 20, 2020

Hey, I’m Kara!
Hey, I’m Kara! A wedding and family photographer based in Kankakee, Illinois! Whether I’m photographing your wedding day or everyday milestones and memories as a family, this job is my joy.

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Five Blog Post Ideas for Photographers and Creatives by Kara Evans Photographer - Chicagoland wedding photographer and virtual mentor for creatives.Calling all photographers and creatives…

I get it, blogging is something that you either love or hate. And if you’re like me (hey!), you LOVE blogging. Like, love it! To me, it’s an online journal of sorts, and I love storytelling.

On the other hand, I get it, sometimes blogging is just hard – we’re stumped for what to write, what to share, questioning what our tribe even wants to read, or fresh out of blog post ideas. So, with today’s blog post, I’m overjoyed to share some of my favorite blog post ideas for photographers and creatives! Bookmark this post, too… Because the next time you’re feeling stumped on what to write or share, this post will hopefully inspire you again!

1. Your Work

Okay, okay, this one is a no brainer, right? Sometimes the hardest part about blogging is starting. Start somewhere, friend! As a photographer or creative, you must share your work with the world in order to connect with your people. And when I say that you must share your work, I absolutely mean sharing your work outside of Instagram and Pinterest. Trust me, my web guru creative friends will back me up from an SEO perspective, too. Sharing your work on your blog is the easiest place to start if 1) you just don’t blog, 2) you don’t know where to start, or 3) you’re trying to jump back into a blogging routine. I know that you share such beautiful work with the world – from wedding and newborn photography to calligraphy to illustrations and designs. Start with sharing THAT stuff on your blog!

Maybe it’s sharing a recent photography session, client website design launch, or your newest custom calligraphy wedding invitation… Share your work on your blog!

2. Behind the Scenes

It’s true, behind the scenes photos on social media are some of my very favorites. So, you can probably guess that I love seeing behind the scenes photos AND stories on blogs of other photographers and creatives, too! Give a glimpse into what your process looks like behind the scenes… From sharing blog posts of your office workspace to photographing a client on-location at a shoot to a look at your hand-lettering process to everything in between. Challenge yourself to look within yourself and your business – share that behind the scenes goodness with the world! I promise, your tribe is here for it.

3. Vendor Love

You might be thinking… Ummm, Kara, I’m not a wedding photographer – I don’t need to share vendor love on my blog! Well, think again! Whether you’re a wedding photographer that features your favorite vendors in various blog posts or a senior photographer that loves collaborating with local boutiques for outfits and wants to share or maybe you’re a graphic designer that has some favorite programs or even shops for printed goods… Sharing vendor love on your blog is a good, good thing! Get creative and share that vendor love on your blog! It not only will help you and your business, but it will help your favorite businesses, too. You know I’m all about encouraging community over competition, friend!

4. Education

As a photographer or creative, it’s no secret that you’ve poured hours of energy, effort, and probably a little blood, sweat, and tears into your business. So, why not share education on your blog relating to your passion? You are the expert, so share that! Now, sharing education on your blog can come in a few forms – education for your clients (or potential clients) or education for your industry peers (like this very post I’m writing).

If you’re a wedding photographer, maybe share blog posts with wedding advice or what to wear for engagement photos. If you’re a calligrapher, maybe share a blog post for the do’s and don’ts for learning calligraphy… You get the picture, right? The possibilities are endless. Friend, I wholeheartedly encourage you to share your expertise with the world!

5. Personal Work

And finally – one of my favorite types of blog post ideas for photographers and creatives – personal work! Are you a photographer that loves doing a Project 365 or Project 52 each year? Or maybe you’re an illustrator with illustrations of your pups in your home? Get personal (aka as personal as you’re comfortable with) and share your personal work or personal projects on your blog… Not just a quick look at the project via your IG stories, but a look at a personal project with a real story on your blog! Share a look into your personal life whether it’s a blog post of your yearly photo project, a trip or adventure you went on, or a monthly recap blog post like this one.

It’s true, I love blogging and probably always will!

I hope this post inspires (or reinspires) you to discover your love for blogging. Because after all, blogging doesn’t have to be scary or daunting for photographers and creatives. If anything, this very blog post should reveal that you already have so much content to share in your life and business on your blog… It’s sitting right in front of you! The first step is simply writing about it and sharing it!







P.S. – Wanna learn more about mentoring? It’s the icing on the cake where I help you navigate your biz so that you can live your life!

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Chicagoland wedding & family photographer based in Kankakee, Illinois
