kara evans


Wedding Day Planning PSA | Wedding Wednesday

A wedding day planning PSA for brides, grooms, and couples - my biggest advice to brides when planning their wedding day from Kara Evans Photographer.

July 5, 2018

Hey, I’m Kara!
Hey, I’m Kara! A wedding and family photographer based in Kankakee, Illinois! Whether I’m photographing your wedding day or everyday milestones and memories as a family, this job is my joy.

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A wedding day planning PSA for brides, grooms, and couples - my biggest advice to brides when planning their wedding day from Kara Evans Photographer.I’m a wedding photographer, so it’s true, I sincerely LOVE weddings! But I believe this bit of advice is so important during the wedding planning process (especially for couples that are newly engaged + couples that are in the final stretch leading up to their wedding days!), and so I need to share this friendly wedding planning public service announcement…

There’s no doubt that your wedding day is incredibly important. It is the day you vow to love one another through life’s highs and lows, fully commit your lives together, and celebrate this momentous occasion with your closest family and friends. Please, please, please, don’t let planning for this one day overtake your excited spirits. Planning should be fun + stress free, and it truly is what you make it!

Friend, your marriage should always be more important than your wedding day.

And I wholeheartedly believe this even as a wedding industry professional. While your wedding day is ONE day – the first day of your marriage – always remember that there are so many days ahead with your spouse. It’s so easy to get caught up in making sure that every detail is absolutely perfect on your wedding day (and I totally understand it’s hard not to), but you know what? When it comes down to it – at the end of your wedding day – you’re married. And that… That’s what’s most important about the entire wedding planning process!

A wedding day planning PSA for brides, grooms, and couples - my biggest advice to brides when planning their wedding day from Kara Evans Photographer.






P.S. – Want more wedding planning advice + encouragement? Read more here!

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Chicagoland wedding & family photographer based in Kankakee, Illinois
