kara evans


Using Trello in Your Photography Business

Using Trello in Your Photography Business with Kara Evans - wedding & family photographer and VA for photographers based in Chicago.

July 10, 2023

Hey, I’m Kara!
Hey, I’m Kara! A wedding and family photographer based in Kankakee, Illinois! Whether I’m photographing your wedding day or everyday milestones and memories as a family, this job is my joy.

TOp categories

Woo-hoo, we’re talking all about one of my favorite business tools, Trello, today!

As a photographer, I love finding tools that help my business from productivity to client management to organization and more. If you’re looking for a tool that brings creativity and organization together, you’re going to love this blog post! Meet one of my favorite tools as a photographer, Trello!

I started using Trello in 2017 or 2018. It’s an online task management tool. I’m not paid by the tool to share this with you, I just love it THAT much. As a photographer, I believe in sharing tools with fellow photographers when we can and as much as we can! With the app (on desktop or mobile), I use the tool to organize my business tasks, weekly to-do’s by day, content calendar, client workflows, and even personal tasks, too. Like I mentioned, this tool brings creativity and organization together… And that makes my Type A yet creative heart happy!

Here are some of my favorite things about Trello!

  • IT’S FREE – Yep, I’ve used the free plan since I started using Trello. It offers so much capability!
  • CHECKLISTS – I love using checklists as a wedding photographer. I use checklists for engagement & wedding editing workflows, blogging workflows, my virtual assistant client work, and beyond that, I even use checklists for things like monthly payroll and tax to-do’s. Checklists via Trello are my jam!
  • LABELS – Oh yeah, this Type A girl loves color coding and labels, and Trello brings both those things together. So helpful to keep track of tasks by type. And who doesn’t love color coding?
  • ADD LINKS – You can add links to cards with URLs like Google Docs, Dropbox, social media posts, blog posts, or any other link you might need.
  • DUE DATES – Trello allows you to add due dates and times to your cards. This helps me organize my weekly to-do’s and even create cards for to-do’s that are coming up in the next few weeks or months.
  • CALENDAR POWER-UP – Remember how I said that I use Trello for my content calendar? Well, the calendar power-up is my bestie when it comes to this. The calendar capability allows me to view a board in “calendar view” and plan out my blog and social media content quickly and efficiently. I’m all about being more productive when it comes to content planning – sign me up!

Using this tool has also totally revamped my pen and paper processes to become digital and streamlined… But oh yes, I still love my pink legal pads for notes, goal setting, and to-do lists, too. Trello just allows me to create boards and manage these tasks in a more streamlined way! Plus, it allows me to work anywhere which I love.

And while, yes, this tool is helpful for photographers (and creatives!), it is also a wonderful tool that anyone can use – think family schedules, meal planning, goal setting, and more. Plus you can share boards, projects, and more with your team members or family members, too! It’s true that I use the tool primarily for my business, but I also have boards within Trello for personal goals, home projects, and other personal tasks.

If you’re anything like me and working to streamlined processes within your life… A task management tool like Trello might be just what you need!

Using Trello in Your Photography Business with Kara Evans - wedding & family photographer and VA for photographers based in Chicago.

P.S. – Wanna learn more about my work as a virtual assistant for photographers or 1:1 mentoring?

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Chicagoland wedding & family photographer based in Kankakee, Illinois
