kara evans


Three Tips for Finding Your Photography Niche

Finding Your Photography Niche with Kara Evans – a wedding & family photographer, VA for photographers, and mentor based in Chicagoland.

May 11, 2023

Hey, I’m Kara!
Hey, I’m Kara! A wedding and family photographer based in Kankakee, Illinois! Whether I’m photographing your wedding day or everyday milestones and memories as a family, this job is my joy.

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If you’re a photographer that’s just starting out or has been in business for years, you know that finding your niche is an important part of your photography business. But, how do photographers figure it out? How do you find your niche when there are so many types of photography to choose from?

Today’s blog post is dedicated to three tips for finding your photography niche!

1. Practice, practice, practice!

First – practice, practice, practice. You’ve heard the saying “practice makes perfect” time and time again, and it’s no different here. As you grow in your photography journey, practice. Experiment. Try new things. Learn all that you can.

As a photographer myself, I’ve always taken the approach that I’ll never be done learning. This has served me well in 12+ years of business. It’s helped me grow throughout the years, try new things, and lean into the things I love in my business and photography journey.

2. It’s okay to say no.

This might make your brain spin a bit, but truly, it’s okay to say no. It’s okay to love certain types of photography and not be drawn to others. It’s okay to find your photography niche!

Here’s an example – you’re a senior photographer that receives an inquiry for a family session in your email inbox. If it’s not a “heck yes” answer (hey, it’s okay to step outside of your niche for those “heck yes” opportunities), then it’s okay to say no and offer recommendations for a photographer that would be a better fit for what the potential client is looking for. You’re not turning away business – you’re making a smart business decision so that you can continue to focus on the photography niche you love. You’re making room for more of what you love by saying no. Remember this, when you say no to one thing, you’re actually saying yes to something else.

3. Do what you love.

And last but not least, do what you love. This applies to finding your niche in any business, especially photography businesses. Just because you can do something (i.e. photograph a family session in the example above) doesn’t mean that you should or that it aligns with your goals and focuses on your niche. Figure out what you love doing in your photography business, and do more of that! What type(s) of photography spark your passion and fill you with joy? Do more of just that!

Friend, I’ve been in your shoes and understand that finding your photography niche can feel hard. The best news is this – it’s your photography business and you deserve to do what you love in your business! You will grow and change as time goes on, and there’s so much beauty to be found in that.

Finding Your Photography Niche with Kara Evans – a wedding & family photographer, VA for photographers, and mentor based in Chicagoland.

P.S. – Wanna learn more about my work as a virtual assistant for photographers or 1:1 mentoring?

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Chicagoland wedding & family photographer based in Kankakee, Illinois
