Tomorrow, Kyle and I will celebrate our second year of marriage!
The past year has been filled with a lot of life moments, but mostly it’s been filled with lots of love… We’ve photographed many weddings, adopted a puppy, traveled for the first time out of the country (well, really two countries… Mexico and Colombia), moved out of Jacksonville, decided to take my business full-time, graduated Illinois College, worked multiple jobs, taken a trip to Disney, and through it all we’ve had intense moments of happiness while also facing challenges and making life decisions together for our future.
Once again, I created an anniversary graphic like last year on our anniversary. This is my digital version of “scrapbooking”! Hehe
Just like last year, I loved taking the time with Kyle to reminisce and remember our second year of marriage together. Reflecting and looking back on the past year makes the two of us even more grateful for the time we have had together!
We have learned and grown so much together all through successes and failures… And lots of prayer, patience, and grace!
Here’s to “Our Second Year”! Cheers!