kara evans


Your Road Map to a Business Plan for Creatives

Your road map to a business plan for creatives - Rising Tide Society leader resources - creating a business plan for creative entrepreneurs with Kara Evans Photographer.

January 22, 2019

Hey, I’m Kara!
Hey, I’m Kara! A wedding and family photographer based in Kankakee, Illinois! Whether I’m photographing your wedding day or everyday milestones and memories as a family, this job is my joy.

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Your road map to a business plan for creatives - Rising Tide Society leader resources - creating a business plan for creative entrepreneurs with Kara Evans Photographer.How often have you taken a trip without looking at a map? Hmmm, probably not often unless that was the plan! Your business plan is your road map, and it’s incredibly important to navigate your business with a map that YOU create!

Start with your goals.

Your first stop to a great business plan is goal setting. Start with your goals whether they are short term, long term, or lofty goals. And write them down! When writing your goals, think about the kind of business you want to be, the products or services you will offer, the way in which you will serve your clients, and how you want your business to grow and succeed. In this goal setting process, also be sure to think about your financial goals for your business. And remember, goals will evolve and change and that’s okay! No goal is too far to reach!

Look at your ideal client.

Maybe you already know who your ideal client is. For example, the business professional living in the suburbs with a few kiddos or someone who values fine, handmade goods – dig deep here to truly know this person. Whatever the case, you must take time to intentionally learn, understand, and seek your ideal client. My best advice regarding your ideal client is to think back to your best or favorite real life client. Who was this person? What did they value? What were their careers and hobbies and interests? Focus on these intricate details. Then, make a business plan along your road map – from business goals and decisions to branding to client gifts to product offerings – with your ideal client at the forefront of your mind.

Evaluate your brand.

What’s working? What’s not working? Does your brand align with your goals and ideal client? Does your social media presence accurately represent your brand? Truly reflect on your brand, and the experience you are offering within your business. Make a business plan for how you can make your brand fit with your goals and ideal client! And as always, it’s OK to make changes within your biz brand that better serve your ideal client, you, and your business! If you’re still struggling here, my girls at Launch Your Daydream are the ideal client + branding experts… You’ll love them!

Put systems into place.

Yes, I am a systems kind of gal! Putting systems into place within your business is, I would argue, one of the most important parts of a business plan. These are your parameters – set by YOU! The systems that you put into place are a grounding force along your biz road map that always help to keep you on track. It’s part of my passion to encourage my creative friends to put systems into place throughout 1-1 mentoring! Some systems you can think about when business planning are… Client management software, content marketing, email lists, blogging practices, client communication, finance tracking, email responses, workflow, client gifting, social media, and so many MORE. Find what systems work best for you and rock it!

And finally, create a plan to be your best boss.

That’s right! PLAN to be your best boss. You are the only one in control of being your best boss as a creative. And that’s the beauty of being a creative entrepreneur! Intentionally make business decisions and create your business road map around what works best for you. Respect yourself, your time, your talents, your people, your values, and your schedule as you plan within your business.

Friends, business planning does not have to be a daunting task! Let your creativity and strengths and entrepreneurial spirit lead the way and guide you to creating your business road map. And please don’t hesitate to ask for help from a mentor or other trusted creatives. Plus, it’s a-okay to revisit and revise your road map – weekly, monthly, yearly – as your business grows and changes. I promise, this trip is going to be the BEST trip of your life!







P.S. – Wanna learn more about mentoring? It’s the icing on the cake where I help you navigate your biz so that you can live your life all while pursuing your creative passion!

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Chicagoland wedding & family photographer based in Kankakee, Illinois
